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Sunday, 19 December 2004

A Tsunami hits the coast of Soqotra, just after SKP6

The Tsunamis also struck the Soqotran coast as higher tides were experienced (info JK). According to news arrived in Sana'a more than 40 fishing boots are missed near Nogeed and children died at Qalansiya! No news from the east coast or Hadibu... we'll keep you informed!
The complete SKP6 diary with pictures is updated, the translation in English will probably be for next year, my apologies.
After returning from Yemen we were invited by the Soroptimist Belgium (Westhoek) on Friday December 10th at the Casino of Koksijde, with the participation of Unesco Vlaanderen.The main theme of the evening was the water scarcity in Third World countries, with the SKP-project as an example. After an introduction, Rik Martens showed his new documentary "Vloeibaar goud" (liquid gold), followed by a powerpoint presentation by myself and finalised with a round table discussion. The day after my wife and I left for the Annual Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting in San Francisco (USA). Great to meet other speleothem scientist in a motivating scientific environment.
Have a great Christmas and a happy new year, superb holidays!

Saturday, 20 November 2004

SKP6 got a green light!

Fortunately Yemenia flies to Soqotra again, so SKP6 can take place after all. Between November 26th and December 6th we will explore more cave systems with a team of 3 geologists, a biologist and a maritime archaeologist. A scientific adventure during the Monsoon rainy period! A detailed report will be published next month.

Wednesday, 27 October 2004

Flights cancel due to the Ramadan...

Our SKP6 expedition in postponed, because Yemenia Airlines decided NOT to fly to Soqotra during Ramadan this year?! We are currently re-scheduling. The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh (RBGE) Scotland, will organise the Soqotra exhibition in 2006 instead of 2005. Our expedition report SKP1-5 will be published at the end of this year, we will let you know where and when.

Sunday, 19 September 2004

Friends of Soqotra and SKP

Some new initiatives are ready to start, more information available soon. Our research concerning the "Underground Freshwater potential of Soqotra: Present, Past and Future" was well attended at the annual meeting of the Friends of Soqotra (FOS) in London. The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh (RBGE) Scotland, will organise an exhibition about Soqotra Island medio 2005.

Sunday, 29 August 2004

Finally some good satellite images of Soqotra

A big step forward! Thanks to a "Golden" contact we obtained the satellite images of Soqotra. At the moment we are looking if the creation of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is possible. Some speleothems are dated, giving the research a big push in the right direction.

Friday, 30 July 2004

New SKP-meeting

A small core team meets the 29th to gather all cave survey data and finish most cave maps. We set a new deadline for the SKP1-5 expedition report, sheduled for December. A first contact is made by the Soroptimists to see if an SKP-evening would be possible, to be continued.

Tuesday, 15 June 2004

SKP happening, ben there!

Saturday the 19th we'll give a powerpoint presentation covering the last 5 SKP expeditions, followed by 2 films from Rik Martens "Socotra, pearl in the Arabian Sea" (SKP1 report) and "The Exploration" (the exploration of a recently discovered new cave system in Bois de Waerimont, Belgium). Doors open at 8 pm near the public pool in Oudenaarde, Belgium. (for those who accidently pass by A MUST!)

Sunday, 23 May 2004

Part two of the Ph.D. scolarship...

This month I defend the renewal of my Ph.D. scolarship from the Institute of the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, exciting! Afterwards my wife and I will explore the karst on Corfu Island, a splendid holiday to all.

Wednesday, 21 April 2004

SKP1-5 publication idea's and Brahmi links!

The core team came together again to discuss our expedition report SKP1-5 publication. The goals are set and work started! Another team member showed some freshly edited short films, we were all back on the Island for a while...
There might be a new lead to the translation of ancient underground Indian writings!

Friday, 19 March 2004

SKP on the radio

On Saturday the 20th a short interview about our project will be broadcasted on the National Radio1 and this in the framework of the International Day of the Water. You can listen to the interview the week after on the website of Radio1 (in Dutch only, sorry guys!).
We are making plans for publications. A complete report about our last 5 expeditions, with in depth information, should be ready at the end of this year. If people want to participate during a next field trip, feel free to apply by filling out our contact form!

Sunday, 15 February 2004

Soqotran Cave Database is forming...

At the moment we are taking a closer look at the topographical cave maps and scanned in pictures. A substantial Soqotran Cave Database is forming...

Wednesday, 28 January 2004

Already more than 20km of cave passages...

Back from a 5th splendid SKP expedition! We crossed the border of 20km mapped Soqotran cave systems. Unfortunately it was not possible to send our reports from the island, because of technical problems. You can check out our activities on the website. The first presentation will be given at the "National Journey of Explorative Caving" in Brussels at the 31st of January.